Will return data about an organization

If you have the country code and registration ID for a specific organization, you can look up its record in GlobalGiving Atlas using this method.

To access a full list of data for each country, use the https://api.globalgiving.org/v2/atlas/organizations/country method.


Database ID

You can find a list of valid database ID(s) for each country by calling the https://api.globalgiving.org/v2/atlas/organizations/country/databases method.


Registration ID

The ID you pass must only contain letters and numbers. Remove all whitespace, hyphens, underscores, periods, ampersands, and other punctuation. Characters from any language are allowed, but should be in upper case. Example: Registration ID 30-0108263 should be requested as /US/EIN/300108263

GlobalGiving Atlas contains a range of attributes for organizations. You are guaranteed to have the following fields available:

  • id
  • name
  • registration_country
  • registration_id

We provide a best effort attempt to provide the following fields for as many organizations as possible:

  • registration_active
  • mailing_address
  • phone
  • employee_count
  • volunteer_count
  • mission
  • website (and other website_* fields)
  • year_founded

When possible, we include additional, country-specific fields that we can collect. The fields have a prefix with the country code. For example, many organization in Canada have a "ca_category", "ca_subcategory", and "ca_org_type". See more: https://www.globalgiving.org/atlas/country/canada/

Example returned data (for "https://api.globalgiving.org/v2/atlas/organizations/US/EIN/300108263"):

   "name":"Globalgiving Foundation Inc",
      "country":"United States",
      "address_1":"1110 VERMONT AVENUE NW NO 550"
   "mission":"To transform aid and philanthropy to accelerate community-led change.",
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!